
Work on the Road | Military-Grade Laptop

22nd Jun 2015

Men and women across the country make their living traveling for work. These individuals live out of suitcases, spend long periods of time in cars and airports, and must still keep up with their work. … read more

Rugged Laptops for Construction | Durable

19th Jun 2015

Technology has made our outdoor adventures into much more pleasant experiences. While there may still be danger lurking around every corner, technology has improved the overall experience. These techn … read more

Temperature Fluctuations & Rugged Laptops

12th Jun 2015

Laptop Temperature Extremes & Ruggedness Laptop temperature extremes—that is, situations where your laptop is exposed to very high temperatures, very low temperatures, or both—can hurt perf … read more

Temperature Fluctuations and Laptop Function

8th Jun 2015

Conventional laptops were not built to work properly during extreme temperature fluctuations. Most conventional laptops are meant to be used in a temperature controlled room. Varying temperature fluct … read more

Salt Damage and Laptops | Learn More

5th Jun 2015

Salt and Laptop Damage: What are the Signs? Electronic devices, such as laptops, can be affected by a large variety of things that are attributed to the environment. Believe it or not, salt fr … read more